Our Partners

Diamond Partner - Western Technologies Inc.
Founded in 1955, Western Technologies pioneered within its region many of the services still provided by the company. As building codes and other requirements developed and were enforced, the demand for these services grew. And so did the Company.
Our formula for success has stood the test of time. We remain focused on our clients and profession rather than internal hierarchy. We prioritize our quality of work product and position as a trusted advisor. We enjoy tremendous diversity in the mix of our projects, services, and clientele.
Western Technologies is led by its Principals who share a common mission and values.
"To provide clientele with cost-effective solutions that satisfy design or compliance requirements of society's infrastructure, environmental and development policies."
Our highest values...
- Quality Service
- Teamwork
- Employee Opportunity
- Professional Ethics
- Safety
Our trademark – The Quality People – describes the nature of Western Technologies' services, wherein the marketplace the company is focused, and how we are getting there.